How is the water cleaned?

The high salinity creates an environment that is incredibly sterile, and makes it nearly impossible for any pathogenic organisms to reproduce. In between each guest, the solution is filtered through a 10 micron sediment filter. This removes very small particulates from the salt solution. We then pass the solution through an NSF Certified Ultraviolet Filter. This UV light inactivates cellular material and is the same one used to make drinking water safe. We then use H2O2 to ensure full oxidation and sterilization.

What if I am claustrophobic

You may choose to leave the lights on and/or have your tank door slightly ajar during your float. The interior of the pod is quite large: 7.41' length, 3.93' wide, 4.35' height. If you're concerned, feel free to stop by and take a look at the tank area before scheduling an appointment.

Is it possible to drown in the tank?

The salt solution is denser than a human body. Even if you fall asleep, you will remain afloat. The chance of any danger is very unlikely.

Can I float if I am pregnant?

Absolutely. However, we request your float be cleared by your physician. Floating while pregnant has significant positive benefits for both mother and baby. Particularly in the second and third trimesters, floating can provide an environment which offers relief from the wonderful pressures, pains, and additional weight that pregnancy brings. Epsom salts reduce swelling and inflammation throughout the body while correcting any magnesium deficiency.

What happens if the salt water gets in my eyes?

Getting the salt water in your eyes will be very uncomfortable and it will sting, but it will not cause any long-term issues. We have a spray bottle with clean water inside the tank. You may also leave the tank to rinse off and/or grab a towel. We recommend that you avoid touching your face when you’re inside the tank to reduce the risk of getting salt water in your eyes.

Are there any situations that would prevent me from being able to float?

We will not allow you to float if you:

Have open wounds or new tattoos

Have colored your hair within 7 days of your appointment

Have an infectious skin disorder

Have incontinence

Have uncontrolled epilepsy

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time.

A few things to keep in mind:

If you have kidney or liver disease or problems, floating may not be right for you. Please check with your physician prior to making an appointment.

Don’t shave before your appointment. The salt water will irritate your skin.

Remove your contacts prior to floating. We provide a contact case (and solution) in each room if you forget yours.

Try not to consume caffeine before your float, as it may prevent you from relaxing.

If you are menstruating, please follow the same precautions that you would when using a public pool.